Whenever an ex military person starts to look for training and work as a civilian, the CV is the very first thing that has to be updated and wrote properly. It is very important that skills are highlighted and information about the role that an individual had in the military can help out a lot.
There are many employers that do not want to hire ex military personnel. This might be considered wrong for many but blame should not be put just on prospective employees. Sometimes people that were in the army just do not know how to write a very good CV that would highlight the fact that they can be an asset.
The good ex military personnel headline comes with a very good headline that tells the recruiter what you want, who you are, what personal skills exist and a willingness to want to improve in the future.
The biggest problem that usually appears when people write such resumes is a lack of vital information linked to experience or skill necessary for civilian jobs. It is possible that the skills are included in the CV but they are not laid out properly. Never boast in a CV but do try to show yourself off!
One thing that you have to do is to include your full career history in the military. Add one paragraph for every single relevant role that you held in the past and that is connected in one way or another to the new position that you are currently looking for.
Add all the skills that you learned while servicing in the military. This includes engineering, team work, weapon safety, first aid, maintenance training, drill and organization skills. Always add one paragraph about the goals that you have, especially if your civilian working experience is currently thin. Explain goals and hopes. In the event that you want to be employed full time in security, list information about your hopes.
When y ou finish your CV, make sure that you proof read it. You need to make sure there are no grammar or spelling mistakes and that all that is relevant was included.