What are the top 3 points that need to be there on your resume? The following guide would help you learn about these 3 essentials that you cannot afford to ignore.
Your resume must tell about your achievements without fail. It is no longer sufficient to tell about the job responsibilities that you have had at your previous and current job. Your potential employers are looking for an employee that goes beyond and makes genuine contribution to organization. If you don’t have any tangible sales figures to achieve, especially if you have a desk job, your achievements would include solving problems, restoring relationships, preventing customers from leaving or building better filing system for saving the time of your previous workplace.
Make sure that you are specific on your resume. You need to be certain about the kind of role that you want to fill in. make sure that your resume has a direction, taking the reader on a journey while telling them instantly about what you are seeking. For example, if you want to be an accountant, make sure to show them all of your skills that make you the right candidate for an accountant. You don’t want to also include the skills that would also make you a good personal trainer because you would also like to take that job if that post of accountant is not vacant or gets filled up. Keep in mind that employers are looking for specialists and not a general-skills candidate that knows a little bit of everything.
Thirdly, your resume should have a good format. You have mentioned all your experiences and skills that make you the perfect candidate. The content is attention grabbing. However, if the format is not appealing or if everything is not well written, the reader would have a good reason to put your resume aside. Resume templates are commonly used throughout the world. Rather, you should create custom resumes that are different while being easily legible.
Make sure that your resume offers all the desired information to the employer, while keep the format attractive and the content readable and interesting. Avoid any spelling or grammatical mistakes to make your resume a good option in the eyes of the hiring manager.