Whenever a fresh graduate writes a CV, there is a huge chance that it will be overlooked. This is not necessarily because it is not written properly. It usually happens because the graduate does not know how to write a good resume. Here are really important tips that have to be considered to write a good fresh graduate CV.
An employer will first meet you through a CV that is submitted. The best CV will give you a chance to be invited for a follow-up interview and this is what you want since it increases the chances of actually getting hired. When you are a fresh graduate, there is a huge chance that you have no idea what you have to do and your resume should be a little different than others.
The first thing that you need to understand is that your CV has to be neat and user friendly. You can choose pre-built templates as a fresh graduate as you most likely do not have the necessary experience to do everything from scratch. The most important information that you put in your resume has to be put at the top.
The contact information should be added first, right under the heading of the CV. Add your phone number and an e-mail address besides the name and surname. Always keep everything as short and as to the point as possible.
Learn about the KISS principle and apply it when writing your fresh graduate CV.
Since you just graduated, there is a huge chance that you do not have much work experience. In this case you should highlight the skills that you have. Write the most important ones in the skills summary section and when submitting your resume online, try to avoid lengthy skill description sections and always include keywords.
Many graduates make the mistake of not adding anything about internship programs or volunteer work that was done in the past. If what you did is related to the job that you are currently applying for, make sure that you add these as they do count as work experience for most employers out there.
Educational qualifications are, of course, necessary since you just graduated. The education background has to be added in a chronological order but make sure that it is descending. Start with the really recent education thatyou finished first.
The last tip that you have to take into account is that you need to avoid absolutely all the unnecessary information. If what you add is not relevant for the job that you apply to, it will only make the CV unattractive.